
General Dynamics Land Systems Delivers First M10 Booker Combat Vehicles to U.S. Army

May 15, 2024
Contact: Robin Porter or James Jahnke

New assault vehicle for IBCTs are set for government testing and logistics efforts

– General Dynamics Land Systems announces that it has delivered the first M10 Booker Combat Vehicles to the U.S. Army.

The M10 Booker is a new assault vehicle for the Army’s Infantry Brigade Combat Teams (IBCTs). It moves rapidly in a variety of terrain conditions to engage and destroy enemy combatants, bunkers, machine gun positions, fortifications and armored combat vehicles.

As part of low-rate initial production (LRIP), multiple Booker vehicles have been delivered to the Army to support government testing and logistics efforts. The Booker employs a four-person crew and features an enhanced thermal viewer, a large-caliber cannon, a lightweight hull and turret, and a modern diesel engine, transmission and suspension system. It has been designed from the start for capability upgrades, based on future operational needs.

“The M10 Booker is named after two American heroes who gave their lives in service to their country, and we are honored to design, build and deliver these vehicles to the Army,” said Gordon Stein, General Dynamics Land Systems vice president and general manager for U.S. operations. “These latest Bookers incorporate improvements and lessons we learned from the Middle Tier Acquisition phase of the program, and we’re confident that Soldiers will find them highly useful in completing their missions.”

About General Dynamics Land Systems

Land Systems is a business unit of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD). General Dynamics Land Systems provides innovative design, engineering, technology, production and full life-cycle support for land combat vehicles around the globe. The company’s extensive experience, customer-first focus and seasoned supply chain network provide unmatched capabilities to the U.S. military and its allies. More information about General Dynamics Land Systems is available at

About General Dynamics

General Dynamics is a global aerospace and defense company that offers a broad portfolio of products and services in business aviation; ship construction and repair; land combat vehicles, weapons systems and munitions; and technology products and services. General Dynamics employs more than 100,000 people worldwide and generated $38.5 billion in revenue in 2021. More information about General Dynamics is available at

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